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Driving Cessation Anno 2010: Which Older Drivers Give Up Their License and Why? Evidence From Denmark.
J Appl Gerontol. 2014 Feb 12;
Authors: Siren A, Haustein S
This study focuses on the decision to either stop or continue driving among a cohort of Danish seniors whose driving licenses expire, for the first time, at the age of 70. Based on 1,537 standardized telephone interviews with licensed drivers, we compared persons who intended to renew or not to renew their licenses. The results partly recapture the findings of earlier studies. However, in contrast to former cohorts, a much higher percentage of older drivers intended to keep their licenses. The strongest factors predicting the intention to renew were active car use, feeling safe as a driver, and not having illnesses that impaired driving ability. Three of these factors were strongly correlated with gender, indicating that efforts to prevent premature driving cessation should especially focus on increasing women's confidence and experience in driving.
PMID: 24652931 [PubMed - as supplied by publisher]